Two Exhibitions, One Country Birds of Brazil/Taste of Brazil

Jenevora Searight's exhibition on the Birds of Brazil, Botnatikart, a partcipative space in the House of Arts that encourages environmental thinking, will welcome visitors to explore the world of the natural environment and fine art. The "Brazilian Food Walks" is an exhibition about the daily diet of Brazilian citizens. It shows the cultural, geographical and socio-economic diversity of the country's different regions. In São Paulo, for example, there is a prato-feito ('daily menu') for every day of the week.
Jenevora Searight's exhibition the „Birds of Brazil”, Botnatikart, a partcipative space in the House of Arts that encourages environmental thinking, will welcome visitors to explore the world of the natural environment and fine art.
During her years in Rio de Janeiro, the 85-year-old British artist observed and artistically depicted the birds of Brazil. The exhibition of 24 colour images was made possible thanks to the personal commitment and generous support of Edgar and Stephanie Michahelles. The exhibition was presented for the first time in Hungary at the Hungarian Museum of Natural History by the Embassy of Brazil in Budapest.
After the opening of the exhibition in the Magtár Gallery:
"Taste of Brazil" is an exhibition about the everyday food of Brazilian citizens.
In São Paulo, for example, there is a prato-feito ("daily menu") for every day of the week.
The theme is wide-ranging and appreciated by all. There are always fond memories of delicacies made by grandmother, meals with co-workers and quick snacks in street restaurants...
More than anything else, the memory of the delicious food of our country connects us to our beloved country and makes us long for it.