Kolompos / GyereKert 2024
We look forward to welcoming you to the realm of exuberant fun!
At the end of the 1980s, a new name appeared on the Hungarian folk music scene: the Kolompos ensemble. Initially, they became known as a dance hall band, accompanying dance ensembles, and soon they were promoting Hungarian and Carpathian Basin folk music from Sweden to Sicily, from Canada to Japan, in their own concerts.
In December 1990, following a request from a kindergarten, they set off almost by fate on a path hitherto rather untrodden in Hungary, after holding a dance workshop for little ones, combined with a Christmas educational concert. The still immature but high-quality content, the honest performance style, the diverse sound and the empathy towards the children captivated both the children and the educators, and soon the repertoire for the whole year was born, and the news of the Kolompos' completely new approach to performances spread like wildfire.
After a few years, their main profile became the theatrical, kindergarten and school performances of traditional shows, and in addition to the 3-400 concerts and dance halls they have been presented on CDs and DVDs since the turn of the millennium. By this time, the first folk-tale-based musical games and shorter, 5-10 minute interactive "life pictures" had already been created. The latter brought Hungarian folk traditions to life with lots of music, singing and games involving child actors, teaching a lot of knowledge in a playful way. The information, which is ethnographically authentic and at the same time catches the attention of the young audience, is presented in a light-hearted way, spiced up with a lot of humour and stage gags, which not only makes the children's audience, but also the parents, teachers and in many cases the stage staff have fun, which is why they are often invited to big festivals and company events, where otherwise Hungarian folk music would hardly be played.
In addition, for decades they have felt it an important mission to consciously disseminate this unique culture among Hungarian children and families living beyond the borders, primarily in the Carpathian Basin, but also beyond, in England, Finland, Germany, Austria and Belgium. In addition to the Hungarian visitors, many people from the above-mentioned countries also like to visit the Kolompos Family Camp in Szerencs at the end of June every year, where, after the one or two hour meetings throughout the year, they can spend a week together, as a life-changing experience, having fun, making crafts, playing music, singing and dancing with Zoli, Levi, Gyuri, Sanyi and Gábor, i.e. the Kolompos band.