"For us, going to Lake Balaton is anything but a sunscreen-scented day at the beach." - A talk with the architects of P8 Workshop
Three talented young people, a shared apartment at No. 8 Petőfi Street in Pécs and a shared passion - this is the brief summary of how the P8 Workshop architectural design team was born. It was inspired by the “Beyond Forms” initiative and the shapes of the Balaton fences and gates.
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- they say.
P8 Workshop describes itself as a design team, i.e., they are primarily involved in architectural design. Three men founded the studio, András (Andris) Bögös, Tamás (Tomi) Dancs and Péter (Peti) Zilahi. They emphasise that they define architecture in the classical, broad sense of the word: the team's portfolio ranges from minimal tasks to the creation of large-scale public buildings. "We don't want to specialise in typecast assignments. We are not motivated by the mere number of projects, but rather by the clients and the challenge of each assignment."
The team also boasts of two offices – with Tomi and Peti based in Pécs and Andris in Keszthely, they have established their bases in both cities. Their work can be found in many parts of the country, including Borsod County, Budapest, and the Great Plain. Still, most of their orders come from the Transdanubia region.
- Peti says.
- adds Andris.
The team members have travelled around Lake Balaton several times on targeted study trips. They often take their families to the lake for relaxation and camping. As a Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, Andris's work also focuses on an iconic Balaton site, the Emmaus (Ify) Chapel on St. George Hill, which unfortunately collapsed recently.
This work also helped the architectural team in creating a design entry for the Hungarian Academy of Arts competition for Badacsony.
The brief for the competition was to design a cultural and tourist centre, which P8 Workshop envisioned by creating a rest and accommodation facility for cyclists. Cycling around the lake is not far from the team members' minds.
- Andris recounts his own experiences.
When asked what are their future plans, they give a wide range of answers. They have recently been involved in designing a building in Hamburg's HafenCity in Germany. While they continue to cultivate their contacts abroad, especially in Berlin, they intend to concentrate more on the domestic market. They say, they are now looking at designing and extending educational buildings on a larger scale, at creating installations, exhibitions, and even an album of their designs.
"At the moment, we are planning a residential building in Káptalantót and a residential building in Dörgicse. In the vineyards of Pécsely, Lesenceistvánd and Sümeg, press house renovations are underway. We have a semi-permanent presence in the Lake Balaton region, which we are pleased about," they say.